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When Azdean Became a Moroccan Tourist Himself!
Touring Morocco: Learning From Azdean's Experience
Written By : Azdean Elmoustaquim
Published On : September 2, 2023
The magic of Morocco lies not just in its mesmerizing landscapes but also in its bustling marketplaces, rich culture, and unparalleled hospitality.

Azdean spent the summer of 2023 researching attractions, riads, hotels, restaurants and activities in Morocco, gathering information to give Destination Morocco clients an even better, more authentic experience. This journey was as exhilarating as it was humbling, filled with moments of joy, challenge, and discovery.

Touring Morocco: Learning From Azdean's Experience

He and his team also captured hours of audio and video footage, which is being rolled out on the Destination Morocco podcast and the new YouTube channel. All in all, it was a lot of logistical planning that put him in the shoes of his clients: figuring out where to go, what to see and for how long.

Azdean and Ted Cragg, the podcast producer, chat about the tour experience and how listeners can relate when it comes to making the choices for their own tours. From food stops, temperature, driving times, everyday costs, to famous sights and more obscure ones, there is lots in this episode to help you gather ideas and suggestions for your own itinerary.

Through this project, we hope to inspire others to embark on their own adventures and discover the beauty and richness of Morocco.

Morocco is a country of unparalleled beauty and rich cultural heritage. Its mesmerizing landscapes, vibrant marketplaces, and hospitable people make it a must-visit destination. Our Moroccan adventure has been an unforgettable journey of discovery, learning, and growth. We look forward to sharing more of our experiences and insights in our upcoming episodes and through our documentary project. We invite you to join us on this exciting journey and immerse yourself in the allure of Morocco.

Touring Morocco: Learning From Azdean's Experience

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 With Appreciation,  
 Your Host 
Azdean Elmoustaquim
 Your friendly local Destination Morocco expert.

Check out our podcast, and join me on YouTube every second Wednesday of the month for our live Q&A session! 
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