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Destination Morocco podcast
Your window into Morocco
A place at once a mystery and ready to discover.
A country that is familiar, modern, accessible. An influence on the world in subtle ways.
And yet still with many unknowns, uncertainties and questions.
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Our selection of Featured Episodes below gets you started on your Moroccan journey.
Learn about the country, its culture and people, what to see and where to go.
Our goal is to inspire you to travel to Morocco, and to bring your dreams to reality.
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In this month's session, Azdean, Sam and podcast producer Ted, navigate the labyrinth of traveller scams in the bustling streets and markets of Morocco. With a focus that is as practical as it is necessary, they will equip you with the knowledge to sidestep common pitfalls that many an unwary traveller might stumble into.
One of the highlights of a visit to Morocco is getting a henna art design, something as authentically Moroccan as tagines and desert camping. More than just a decorative activity, henna has deep cultural roots in Morocco, particularly for women. In today's episode, Siham shares how she took control of her and her daughter's lives, making bold choices and becoming self-sufficient. Key to this achievement was her ability as an artist, which opened doors and opportunities in tourism and beyond.
Moroccans are known for their generous, welcoming hospitality, and their instinct for making visitors feel at home. Traveler and podcast listener Pablo Juarez joined the Destination Morocco podcast to confirm this, having just returned from Morocco scarcely a week before the recording, in mid-October of 2022. Even experienced travellers turn to tour companies from time to time, to help them get the best out of their vacation, and have access to places and experiences they otherwise would have never known about. The great thing is you can combine a guided tour with some of your own independent sightseeing, it doesn't have to be all one or the other.
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Travellers love Morocco for its exotic appeal, culture, stunning landscapes, distinct cuisine, and for its charms. Yes, these charms can include scams, a regular feature of life as a tourist in Morocco, as elsewhere. And as Azdean will tell you, natives like him are far from exempt! Most of what you'll hear in this episode has happened to him at some point.
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